Dennis Hill is Back in the Saddle

After 17 consecutive years of riding the CEM 900, Dennis Hill was going to have to miss this year’s event.  But the lure of the ride turned out to be irresistible—or maybe it was the remembrance of Jay’s cooking—so Dennis took a midnight arriving flight from Phoenix to join the team on Sunday.

John and Jack were on the trail by 9:00 making an initial out-and-back to Rushford. On the return leg they met up with Dennis, making quick time on the same route. After stopping back at camp, it was an uphill climb to Fountain City followed by a relaxing downhill run to the finish for John and Jack. Three days, 186 miles on the pedals, great Jay Saterbak meals, and plenty of shared memories of the past (maybe a few slightly stretched), and it was time to leave it to Dennis to finish the 2024 ride on Monday.

The team thanks Merchants Bank as the title sponsor as well as Single Ply Systems, Elder-Jones, and many individual donors. As of Friday, over $32,000 has been contributed to Kids ‘n Kinship from this year’s ride.

Merchants Bank is recognizing the CEM 900 team at the Apple Valley branch at 11:30 on Thursday, June 13, with lunch and treats. All are invited to attend!