The 300 Mile Man

The CEM 900 team woke Saturday morning to a steady drenching rain, and with one teammate missing.  Jim had put on his rain gear and slipped out at 5:30 to begin a run at his third consecutive 100 mile ride!

While John and Jack waited out the rain, they enjoyed Jay’s blueberry pancake breakfast. The rain finally let up allowing them to hit the trail at 11:00. Though the rain had stopped, the trail was wet and with no fenders on their bikes there was significant water spray for the first part of the ride.

Jay joined in for the ride to Whalan while John and Jack met up with Jim and made a 46 mile round trip ride to Rushford. There they picked up lunch at the local IGA store. In fact it was in the parking lot at that store where Jim once rode his bike into a slab of freshly poured concrete—a riding blunder that’s hard to live down, and one that he is often reminded of.

The clouds lifted and the day warmed up as the team finished up their ride. Jim left for home, tired, but pleased that he had ridden 100 miles on three consecutive days. Jay served up steaks on the grill and later, root beer floats.

The team is looking forward to good weather tomorrow, and to the arrival of Dennis Hill, flying in from Arizona to join the ride.