Road Diary

A Day-By-Day Recap

Hello Mr. Bear

June 4, 2017

The sky was clear as we emerged from our sleeping quarters one by one, the smell of coffee in the air. Soon Doug started…

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Batman Returns!

June 3, 2017

Jack, aka Batman, has made his return appearance to the CEM900! Doug and Zack referred to Jack as “Batman” regularly on last year’s ride,…

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Heading to Bemidji

June 2, 2017

We awoke to another beautiful morning lakeside, a virtual repeat of yesterday’s start. While the rest of us relaxed, Matt cooked some breakfast sausages…

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A Top 10 Day

June 1, 2017

Oh, what a glorious morning, clearly a Top 10 day in Minnesota. The sun shone brightly, reflections clear on the glassy lake, birds singing…

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And, we’re off!

May 31, 2017

After a fabulous sendoff luncheon sponsored by Merchants Bank and Kids ‘n Kinship yesterday, we convened at John’s house at 7:30 this morning to…

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CEM 2016 Appreciation Day

June 11, 2016

Many of us convened at the Carmike Theater for the RV ride to the Merchants Bank branch office in Apple Valley for our Welcome…

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A Fabulous Finale (or Finally Finished)!

June 10, 2016

Today was one of the two days where we wanted to get an early start and an early finish for our drive home, so…

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Has Anyone Seen a Teal Eyeglass Case?

June 9, 2016

The Grand Rapids area weather continues to be nice to us, something which we are very happy about, especially considering the rainy weather back…

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Life is Good

June 8, 2016

Ok…the update some of you have been waiting for. Johnny brought the cute little pup, the new CEM900 mascot temporarily named “Christie”, back home…

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Johnny Saves a Puppy!

June 7, 2016

Right away this morning Johnny and Tony were commenting that the diary seems to omit stories about Dennis’ mistakes, such as misleading them on…

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We Must be Geniuses!

June 6, 2016

Rarely have I seen a more unmotivated group on the CEM! A cold front moved through overnight, and it was cloudy, cold and very…

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Ouch, Road Rash or “It’s Just a Flesh Wound”

June 5, 2016

After an overnight of heavy rain, we intentionally woke early with a goal of hitting the trail by 8:30, so we could finish our…

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